Well friends summer is here! School’s out and everyone is vacationing and enjoying more time outside. We’re no exception, minus the school part. Charlie is only two so we’ve got a couple of years still. I’ve been working from time to time on some outdoor decor, just a few things to spruce the porch up. I don’t like spending an arm and a leg on seasonal decor. You only get to enjoy it a few months out of the year. There’s no need to break the bank for those kind of items. There are so many decorative items that you can make at home very inexpensively.
A couple of years ago my husband and I had our first baby. We did a nautical theme in his nursery. I was swooning over a couple of beach buoys in a Pottery Barn catalog when my husband said, “I can make those!” And he did! They were surprisingly easy and extremely affordable. Unfortunately, I did not have my blog then to post a tutorial. Lucky for you I got the urge to make a couple more for this summer. I know, I know you’re smart people! This may seem like a tutorial for dummies, but here ya go!
All ya need is a 4×4 or desired size wood. We used a 3×3 that was left over from my outdoor buffet project. We used our miter saw. However, you can use a circular saw as well.
I cut my 3×3’s at 15″ and 13″.
Find the center of the wood at the top. I marked off 1″ and measured down 5″.
Next I cut directly on my lines using my circular saw. It ended up being about a 15 degree angle.
Take your buoys and make the same cuts on the opposite sides.
Drill your holes at the top 1″ down for your rope to fit through.
After you’ve sanded your buoy it’s time to paint them. I did use an exterior paint. If you’re keeping them outside, I recommend it!
I choose to paint numbers on mine. I printed out the numbers in the font and size I wanted and used carbon paper to trace them on. I then took a small brush and filled them in.
Once the paint has dried, feed your rope through and tie the ends and you’re done!
I hope you all have an awesome week. Get out and enjoy some sunshine!
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