After living in what’s our second fixer upper I’m not foreign to “living with it”. When you’re renovating on a budget but love the finer things in life you become accustomed to waiting. I get asked all the time if I ever get tired of living in a fixer upper that’s always in need of some kind of updating or repair. The answer is yes and no. Sure, I don’t always love having to wait on the exterior changes that we’ve dreamed up or the the much needed renovation that needs to take place in our master bathroom but one thing that I’ve gained from all the “living with it” is an appreciation for slow decorating. What I’ve realized over the years is that decorating over time has its upside. Here’s 3 reasons why slow decorating is best.
3 Reasons Why Slow Decorating is Best
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1. You have time to decide what it is exactly that you want.
If you’re anything like me you might change your mind ten times before you settle on exactly the right design and decor for you and your family. When we bought our first fixer upper I made a lot of design decisions right up front before we had any time to live in the home. A short time went by and almost every room had to be repainted and pictures rehung. I haven’t made that mistake with this house. Our current house required a large part of our budget just to get the space livable again so having patience and taking our time has been a big part of the decorating process. That time has given me a chance to really figure out just what it is that I want for each space. The rooms that I’ve taken the most time with have been favorite, like our laundry/powder room renovation and our kitchen, which still has a couple things I want to do. The key to really knowing what it is you want in the space is living in it for a time. You’ll see how you use the space, what’s missing and the feel you want it to have. You only get those things when you live with it a bit.
2. You can transform a room even on a smaller budget.
Having patience pays off for more than one reason. When staying within your budget is a must, slowly decorating is key. So many people think they have to forfeit quality furnishings when working within a small budget. It’s just not true. You may have to search a bit more, shop second hand or wait it out before that great deals comes around, but it’s possible. So many of our favorite things in our home were all due to waiting for a great deal to come around and we didn’t have to compromise on quality either. Believe me, not one to compromise when I make of up mind about a room and I rarely do. I have just become comfortable with taking it slow. It also gives you more time to save while you wait for that awesome deal.
3. You can blend new with the old.
I love a space that tells a story. I love mixing old family heirlooms with newer items. I’ve never be one to love a space that has been decorated all at once and everything is from the same place. I think the mix of new and old give the space a very warm welcoming feel. I also find that I tend to pick more classic things. When you choose more timeless furnishings over trendy you can have them for years and they’ll work with decor that you bring into the room down the road. It gives a space a cozy feel with lots of interest.
The more we finish in our house the more I’ve given myself time to decide what it is I ultimately want for the unfinished rooms and I know that it’s okay to not have those things right away. The creative side of me loves that my home wont every be “finished.” It’s always evolving and that’s what makes it fun. I know that once renovate and decorate the remaining rooms they’ll be something we’ll love for a long time to come.
I’d love to know if you have a room your currently decorating and some of your favorite places to look for decor. I’m always up for a new place to shop!
Your home looks beautiful, and you have a lovely blog! I agree… taking time to decorate is best done slowly. With many of us, our homes are always a work in progress (that’s how it is for me!) Makes the journey fun and rewarding. (Love those pleated bed pillows!) Pinned on my Interior Inspirations board, and visiting from Creative Circle.
I saw your post -3 reasons slow decorating is best- and would love to know where you bought the wooden wall coat rack/hanger.
Hanging over the brown dresser and metal container with white and pink flowers.
Thank you so much!