Today, I’m sharing our Christmas bedroom in blue & green! It’s an elegant and timeless space with a not so traditional Christmas color scheme. Come on in!
Hello friends! Today is the last stop for our home tour. However, if you haven’t had enough of the holiday tours, I’ll be sharing little bit of Charlie’s room and our den in the coming week. For now, here’s a look at our bedroom all dressed for Christmas! If you’re coming over from Love Create Celebrate, welcome! I’m glad you’re here. This year I stuck with Christmas touches that felt natural in this room, so lots of golds, blues and greens. They’re simply an extension to what is already in this space.
Trimming The Tree
Our sparse tree is right at home in the room. It’s a bit smaller than other trees, so it works nicely in a bedroom. I didn’t do large ribbon or floral stems. I kept it simple with 1″ stain ribbon, gold beaded garland, and glass ornaments. Most of the ornaments have been collected overtime from places like Homegoods, Pottery Barn and Hobby Lobby. The knitted star on top is from Target. Sadly, they are out of stock of the ivory, but they do have red available. The red is also adorable! We purchased it for Charlie’s nostalgic Christmas tree that I’m sharing next week.
Add A Little Greenery
My favorite thing just might be the garland we hung above the bed. It is some of the fullest faux garland I have ever found. Shockingly, I purchased it for just $15 a piece at the Ballard Designs outlet. What a steal! They do still carry it in their lit option. There’s a link for that at the bottom of the post. I secured it with 3 – 3M hooks and used 1.5″ satin ribbon for bows.
Incorporate Cozy Bedding
This year I didn’t change up our bedding too much for the holidays. I kept our block print quilt that we recently purchased. You can read about that here. I did add our down comforter and added some velvet pillow shams and knitted throw pillows. I love the different textures. They add a warm and cozy look and feel. I love that fabrics can do that!
It’s become a beautiful focal point when you walk into the room. It has a very realistic look to it. I just love it!
I’ve not one for a lot of clutter, so a simple bottle brush tree and a citrus scented candle add a perfect festive touch with a little sparkle.
There’s nothing like the sparkling twinkle lights of a Christmas tree in the evenings. It makes the space feel so magical. We’ve already started our weekly Christmas movie night.
Just looking at these cozy photos has me wanting to crawl into bed and take a nap, ha! I’m curious, do you add a Christmas tree to your bedroom? We didn’t until a couple of years ago. After the first year I was hooked! It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just some twinkling lights are perfectly magical. I hope I have inspired you in your home this holiday season. Our homes don’t require perfection, but instead they’re a reflection of our hearts. Our goal is to create a welcoming, warm home for our family and guests.
Thank you so much for coming along on these tours with me this week. I’m so glad you stopped by. Josh and I are so thankful for each of you! May God bless your holiday season. Be sure to hop over to the next blog on our tour. I just know that Krista at The Happy Housie has something beautiful and fun waiting for you!
This week is Christmas Home Tour Week! Each day this week, some talented bloggers are sharing their tours with you – be sure to hop around and see what they’ve got in store! You can visit their posts by clicking on the links below the images.
Sharing with me today…
This is Simplicite / Deeply Southern Home / Lemon Thistle
Love Create Celebrate / Sincerely, Marie Designs / The Happy Housie
And sharing the rest of the week…
The Happy Housie / Inspiration for Moms / Joanna Anastasia
She Gave it a Go / Modern Glam / Taryn Whiteaker Designs
Rambling Renovators / Life is a Party / Clean and Scentsible
House by Hoff / Rooms for Rent / The Happy Housie
Maison de Pax / Stacy Risenmay / Maison de Cinq
Place of My Taste / A Pop of Pretty / The Happy Housie
Grace in My Space / All Things with Purpose / Life is Better at Home
The Tattered Pew / A Pretty Life in the Suburbs / Just a Girl and Her Blog
Other Room Sources:
Wall & Trim Color – 50% Linen White by Benjamin Moore & 50% China White by Benjamin Moore (Pearl Finish)
Antique Pine Chest – Local antique shop
Vintage Brass Lamps – FB Marketplace
Gold Leaf Frames & Prints by bedside – JSH
Natural Wooden Shades – Home Depot (Discontinued)
Pinch Pleat Drapery Panels – Homemade (Ballard Designs fabric – now discontinued)
Yes! We love having a tree in our bedroom!
Hi Amanda!
First time commenter here! I’ve been following you for a while and have been SO inspired by your cozy home. I want to move in! 🙂
I ended up making your DIY nutcracker ornaments for my Christmas tree and gathering some general inspiration from how you decorate for Christmas. I’m happy to say we have the prettiest tree we’ve ever had. (I don’t have a bedroom tree though – maybe one day). For Christmas, I’m asking for the pretty block print quilt from your list of sources. I am curious about those baskets near the tree with scalloped lids. Do you have a source for those? Scallops just make everything special. Thank you for sharing your home with us.
So pretty! I love our bedroom tree, the lights! Yours is so pretty and the shape is gorgeous. Thank you for joining me, Amanda!
Your room is so lovely and the Christmas decor just enhances it.
Oh so pretty! I love all things blue so your room tour made me smile! We have very similar tastes! Have a happy Christmas!
Your bedroom looks so cozy. I love the twinkly lights of a bedroom tree.