I finally did it! If you’re wondering what it is exactly that I’ve done, it’s something I’ve been meaning to do since for almost three months. Right before Christmas I found this antique oak highboy dresser at a consignment store. I fell in love instantly and knew it had to come home with me. I called J to bring the van and we loaded it up and brought it home.
Sadly, life has just been a whirl wind the last couple months and the dresser sat wrapped up in my husband’s office for a while and then again in our bedroom.
I recently decided to stop dancing around it. I’m ashamed to admit that it took me so long to do something so simple. I guess life can be that way at times. I cleaned it, lined the drawers and attached the mirror. It was even more beautiful than I remembered it!
One of my favorite things that I own is my father’s Bible. It was so loved and has seen better days but that’s one reason it’s so precious to me. It’s such a testament to how much he loved the Lord. It’s something that I will always treasure. It’s found its home on the oat dresser now.
This isn’t the first antique furniture piece that I’ve gotten since we moved into our home last year but it is one of my favorites. For only $85 it was worth every penny! It fits perfectly in the right corner of our master bedroom. It’s like the room was made for it!
Do you have any recent finds that you just love? I’d love to hear where you’ve found some of your favorite things! I have realized that I have found so many great things when I’m not even looking. Is it the same for you?
We’re half way through the week and I’m really looking forward to this weekend. I’m hoping the hubby and I will finally get out to see La La Land. I’ve heard mixed reviews so I’m looking forward to checking it out myself. I hope you have a wonderful rest of the week friends!
Oh I love it, what a pretty piece and the price is unreal. Great find.
Thank you Marty! I thought the same thing about that price. I just couldn’t pass it up!
It is just beautiful and you have it staged just right in your room. At first I was a tad afraid you were going to say you finally painted it. LOL I had to get up and go look at the dresser we have in the spare room. I think I have the twin, but no mirror. Gosh, what a difference that mirror makes. Think I also changed out the pulls, but otherwise? Same lovely piece of history. Enjoy!!!!
I don’t think I could paint this one! It’s just so pretty as is. That is too funny that you have its twin! The mirror is one of my favorite parts. 🙂
Hi there Amanda,
We believe we have the exact same dresser just no mirror, do you happen to know what company made it, our label is missing. Thanks for sharing!!!
How cool is that! I did check and I could not find any kind of markings on the dresser. I’m so sorry. Good luck with your hunt though. 🙂
Hi patty,
Do you have a pic of yours or know the company that made it. My husband and I have one very similar we are trying to track down where it came from. Thanks
Wow! Not only is it “swoon worthy”, I can’t believe you only paid $85 for it!?!?!? So beautiful…..I love antique furniture and their simple, yet beautiful design!
Hi Amanda! I love your page, thanks for sharing all that you do. I have acquired an extremely similar piece of furniture from my grandparents and I was wondering if this piece had a gloss and you sanded and stained it? I would love for the piece to look matte like yours!