Did you notice? You’re probably thinking, did I notice what? Well, I have been working on a few exciting things the past couple of months. As if life wasn’t hectic enough, I’ve also been working on some awesome changes to the blog. I feel as though I’ve finally nailed what it is I see for the blog. New logo that I adore, new colors, new season and a new recipe for all those who like cupcakes!
Okay, lets talk cupcakes. Some of you may know that I used to bake a lot of cupcakes. Every week actually. I took small orders, catered showers, birthday parties, etc. If I have to be honest… I haven’t baked a cupcake in over a year. It’s not that I’ve lost my love for them, life has just been too busy. I also discovered my first love, home design which led to this blog. However, in the last couple months my sweet toddler has been requesting cupcakes on a weekly bases. He just so happened to be over-due for a haircut. Some of you moms probably know where this is going. Yes, I bribed him with the plan to make cupcakes. Needless to say, we had our most well-behaved hair cutting experience to date! For these cupcakes you can use whatever cupcake recipe you like. I would stay away from chocolate icing. The chocolate nest will not stand out as much. Here is one of my favorite cupcake recipes. It’s super light and perfect for spring. You can use this recipe to make full size cupcakes of minis.
[yumprint-recipe id=’13’]Here is a great classic cream cheese frosting recipe. I do use about 3-3 1/2 cups of powdered sugar vs. 4.Take your two chocolate bars and chop them into thin slices (for your nest) with a sharp knife. I used my Cuisinart ceramic knives for this. They slice though the chocolate like butter!
After your cupcakes are completely cooled, frost them using a piping bag. I used just a basic large, round tip.
Time to decorate! I’m not sure that as many of these Cadbury eggs made it to the cupcakes as they should have. I will say, Charlie and I got our chocolate fix for the day. I love having a son that adores chocolate as much as I do.
Place your chocolate slices in a circular pattern on the top of the cupcake. Don’t mess with it too much or else it will start to melt in your hands. Last, place the eggs in the center of the nest. It’s so simple that it only takes a couple minutes to get them all decorated. Just like that, they’re ready to be consumed!
The best part is, they’re toddler approved! I may or may not have let him eat one for breakfast… shh don’t tell. Some days just constitute cake for breakfast. I hope you all have a wonderful and safe Easter Sunday. I’m beyond grateful that we have a God who loves us that much, that sacrificial kind of love that is. Happy cupcake eating!
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